Text Box: “The Ferry Sunflower, which operated on routes such as Beppu to Osaka, Kobe to Oita, and Osaka to Shibushi, has been transforme into a finely detailed Tomica model!  This 1/1300 scale diecast model is ready for play or display!  Package Size/Weight:  15.8 x 4.0 2.7 cm / 100g”  - hlj
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 129-2-1 SUN FLOWER
129-2-1 ひまわり
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Rectangle: Rounded Corners:


Text Box: WELCOME 


Flowchart: Alternate Process: Scale:  1/1300
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Body Color:  White (W)
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Interior Color:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Net Wt. (g):  100g
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Baseplate:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Common Red Box
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Wheels:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Takara Tomy
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Made in Vietnam
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Date Released:  March 2018
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 規模:  1/1300
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 体色:  白 (W)
Flowchart: Alternate Process: インテリア色:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 正味重量 (g):  100g
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ベースプレート:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 一般的なレッドボックス
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ホイール:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: タカラトミー
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ベトナム製
Flowchart: Alternate Process: リリース日:  2018年3月
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << Sunflower
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << Common Series Red Box
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << ひまわり
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << コモンシリーズレッドボックス
Text Box: “株式会社フェリーさんふらわあ(英名:Ferry Sunflower Limited.)は、大分県大分市に本社を置く海運会社。本部事務所は兵庫県神戸市にある。”  -  ウィキペディア
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << Home
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << ホーム
Text Box: >>
Text Box: >>
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << 129-2
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << 129-2




Production Date (製造日)


B—Month (); 07—Day (); 18—Year ()

FEBRUARY 07, 2018 (201827)

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