Text Box: “The BMW i8 is an icon of progress, marking an extraordinary evolution of The Ultimate Driving Machine.® As an innovative plug-in hybrid, it uses eDrive technology to combine the efficiency of an all-electric motor and the power of a TwinPower Turbo engine for an exhilarating driving experience that's every bit BMW. “  - bmwusa
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 17-10-2 BMW i8
17-10-2 BMW i8
Rounded Rectangle: Rounded Rectangle: Rounded Rectangle: Rounded Rectangle:


Text Box: WELCOME 





Flowchart: Alternate Process: Scale:  1/61
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Body Color: Dark Red (D.R) Black (B) 
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Interior Color:  Black (B)
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Net Wt. (g):  43g
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Baseplate:  Black Chassis
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Common Red Box
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Wheels:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Takara Tomy
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Made in Vietnam
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Date Released:  November 2016
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 規模:  1/61
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 体色:  暗赤色 (D.R) ブラック (B)
Flowchart: Alternate Process: インテリア色:  ブラック(B)
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 正味重量 (g):  43g
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ベースプレート:  ブラックシャーシ
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 一般的なレッドボックス
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ホイール:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: タカラトミー
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ベトナム製
Flowchart: Alternate Process: リリース日:  2016年11月
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << 17-10
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << BMW i8
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << Tomica Common Red Box 016-020
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << 17-10
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << BMW I8
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << トミカコモンレッドボックス016-020
Text Box: “スポーツカーというセグメントに革命を。
BMW i8はコンパクト・クラス並みの燃費性能と低排出ガスを実現し、サステイナビリティ(持続可能性)を前面に押し出した、未来志向の新世代ハイブリッド・スポーツカーです。”  - bmw-i
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Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << ホーム
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