Text Box: “The Ferrari Testarossa (Type F110) is a 12-cylinder mid-engine sports car manufactured by Ferrari, which went into production in 1984 as the successor to the Ferrari Berlinetta Boxer. The Pininfarina-designed car was originally produced from 1984 to 1991, with two model revisions following the end of Testarossa production dubbed the 512 TR and F512 M which were produced from 1992 to 1996. ”  - wikipedia
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 06 FERRARI TESTAROSSA
06 フェラーリテスタロッサ
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Rectangle: Rounded Corners:


Text Box: WELCOME 


Flowchart: Alternate Process: Scale:  1/61
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Body Color:  Red (R)
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Interior Color:  Cream (C)
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Net Wt. (g):  46g
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Baseplate:  Black Chassis
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Tomica Premium
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Wheels:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Takara Tomy
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Made in Vietnam
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Date Released:  August 18, 2018
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 規模:  1/61
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 体色:  赤 (R) 
Flowchart: Alternate Process: インテリア色:  クリーム (C) 
Flowchart: Alternate Process: 正味重量 (g):  46g
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ベースプレート:  ブラックシャーシ
Flowchart: Alternate Process: トミカプレミアム
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ホイール:  -
Flowchart: Alternate Process: タカラトミー
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ベトナム製
Flowchart: Alternate Process: リリース日:  2018年8月18日
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << S
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << Ferrari Testarossa
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << Tomica Premium
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << S
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << フェラーリテスタロッサ
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << トミカプレミアム
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << Home
Flowchart: Alternate Process:   << ホーム
Text Box: >>
Text Box: >>
Text Box: “テスタロッサ(Testarossa )は、フェラーリが製造していたスポーツカーである。テスタロッサはイタリア語で「赤い頭」を意味する。これはかつての名車250TR、500TRと同様エンジンのカムカバーが赤く塗られているところから名付けられた ”  - ウィキペディア




Production Date (製造日)


F—Month (); 25—Day (); 18—Year ()

JUNE 25, 2018 (2018625)

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